Cool! The scene felt like it had some light VHS quality. Plus, Peppino was a nice surprise too!
Cool! The scene felt like it had some light VHS quality. Plus, Peppino was a nice surprise too!
Yes, this is where the onslaught began, and this time, it was intentional.
No marshmallow.
No accidents.
Just combat... or should I say, Madness Combat!
10 seconds in and I'm already having a good laugh!
And, honestly, Kill La Kill is one of those anime's where you don't know what's going on, but you still watch it anyway for the heck of it!
Can't blame her, it does look like it's hot out there...
And the heat isn't the only thing that's lookin hot either! "Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge"
Nice and simple animation!
Also, why did bro look like Pac-Man at the beginning?
Loved the art style for this, really brings out the comedic effect!
That's too bad. Maybe they could arm wrestle... somehow?
One could say Sonic was... too fast!
Cool Collab! Good work on everyone who did this.
I shall always remember the Star Syndicate!
Thanks for leaving a bit of a feedback.
it is a real honor regardless if you liked it or hated it.
I'm glad to have contribured to a collab that had envoked some kind of emotional reponse from you.
I'm very honored that it is a postive one.
Anyways, I noticed your avatar is drawn picture.
I assume you like to draw.
Is this correct?
Anyways, Thank you writing and it was star day 2024.
It's currently 04/24/2024
Happy post star day.
Maybe you'll more review responses from the other contributors too.
Keep an eye out for new review replies.
Thanks for writing.
Thanks MastaGamr22 for this wonderful review, i'll never forget you.
jesus christ mightydein
Hi! This is MastaGamr22, or NC Company, home our mascot Starkid and more. I make games, animations, art, and music. By the Way, I'm gonna be anonymous, soo... yeah. Other than that, nice to meet ya, and see you soon!
-The Boss
Nowhere Vill, Kansas
Joined on 4/13/24